Familiarizing private healthcare product to a new audience

Company I worked for: Oncology Simplified
My role: Product Designer
Tools I used: Figma, Adobe Suite

What I achieved in this case study:

Established a brand identity while working with my product owner from scratch.

Increased time spent on page by 88%.

Implemented design tokens to make things easier for my developer.

Defining metrics

At Oncology Simplified, we offer cancer care services to patients between appointments. This private healthcare option is something many Canadians are unaware of. When Canadians search for cancer, they seek information and support, not to purchase services.
How do we introduced private healthcare options through our product?

Our mission is to make the unfamiliar become familiar to users.Before we can encourage our audience to purchase our product, I need to make them comfortable with the idea that the product exists in this environment. To do that, I tap into their needs for familiarity. I do a competitive analysis of healthcare services in the United States, where private healthcare is abundant.

Competitive Analysis Link

Mayo Clinic’s Competitive Analysis

From my research, I found that companies will nestle services after offering the user information in result of a query.

So I proposed the idea to our PO, who having a PhD was equipped to write informational servides that would be a guiding road to purchasing services.

First metric: Increasing Time Spent on Page

One of the best ways to increase time spent on a page is by providing information

This will also way to bridge user needs to our service, I sketched up an accordian, whose purpose was to comfort and provide action to the user then give the user a cta that related to the query

Early sketch: The purpose is to bridge the needs of the audience aka finding answers to a service, leading them their by providing an answer.

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Product Owner's Limitations

While appreciating the effort to have a visual solution presented so quickly, my product owner mentioned how they don't have the resources to provide information to queires on the website In addition to that, as a startup we didn't have the SEO resources yet to ensure information on our page shows up on high ranking.

So I sketched another way to achieve the same goal without having t0 answer a user query first.

So instead what I got is achieves the same objectives but without needing informatin for query

Frame 466

Turning data into design

Primary Research Notes


A frustrated patient

– Understanding medical jargon in their test reports,
– Figuring out what current medications interfere with their cancer care,
– Eating the right foods

Pain Points:
– Long wait times in the Canadian healthcare system
– Disorganization between family doctor and oncology doctor
– Uncertainty of the future
– Associated costs
– Confusion navigating different health options

The best way from my worflow to create a product that people will actually need is to map features from a users pain points.

Now I will pay attentions to syntheisize the key features of our product.

User Paint Points

long wait times between appointments + cost concerns

disorganizations between different healthcare providers

confusion navigating new health options

Key Features

A complimentary one time call that can be done anytime

Subscription service that keeps track of all patients health

Have detailed step by step options on how this all works

I worked with my PO on how to lay layout sevices, we did free tireerd services, with one service containing a free phone call. Based on the usability testing we did from our lofidelity prototypes, users oftened seek text information and information they could gather insight from before putting eyes on a service. So to use free phone call as a stepping stone lure users in, and to have that displayed multiple times throughout the site.

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turns into ->

The phrase “nutrition” does not communicate with user

Skip to my creation of a brand identity.
As the sole designer, it was now my job to work on the ….

Product Owner 10:20 pm We're not happy with our current visual look for our brand.

Maryem 10:22 pm

We'd need a moodboard and a language board, as well as a UI design library. this would all be communicated thropugh a brand guidelines that I would create.

Interview script link.
Affinity Diagram link.

While research is the foundation of all design, I maintain that it's crucial for to keep sketching all the way, to ensure our designs aren't pidgeonholed.

I relied on a data-driven approach known as the severity framework to inform my process and list usability issues in order of priority. The framework helps to identify the severity score of a usability issue based on the following three variables:

Task criticality x impact x frequency = severity

  • Task criticality – how important is the task to the user? (1 = low, 5 = critical)
  • Impact – how much of an impact does this issue have on the user’s task? (1 = suggestion, 5 = blocker)

Frequency (%) – how many times does this come up out of total participants?

Turning data into design solutions

UI Inspiration Board Link
Low Fidelity Prototype Link

Brand Identity

Here is my brand identity creation why I chose not to go with them.

Language Board Link.
Moodboard Link.

Colour Injection

too corporate, it’s giving blue cross

it’s giving financial, corporate, wallstreet

clothing brand, casual wear fashion brand, giving a bit finance vibe as well

women's or menstrual health rather than cancer care